Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Updates 11/13/12

Hello everyone.

Chuck informed me yesterday that the links in the blog were no longer clickable for some reason, and after some searching, I confirmed that the reason for this had to do with Blogspot. Blogspot apparently decided to change their format again, so instead of allowing me to simply copy and paste a link into place, I must instead copy and paste the link, then highlight the link and inform Blogspot that it is, in fact, a link. It seems a bit redundant and a waste of time to have to do this, but I want the blog to be as accessible as possible to you wonderful readers, so I'm learning what I need to do to fix this, so cut me a little slack, please? :) 

-- Now that the Rolling Jubilee is getting some mainstream news coverage, more and more people seem to be backing the idea. How many of them will be willing to donate? Here, HuffPo talks about what the Rolling Jubilee means, but also asks their readers what they think of the idea, and if they would be willing to donate to help remove debt.

-- [Chuck] Veterans are extremely important people to our country, but not many of them are well taken care of. With a defense budget as big as ours, why is this? And why would cutting the defense budget cause veteran's care to be cut, when it obviously isn't a huge portion of the inflated expense package? Veteran and veteran's advocate Michael Prysner sits down with RT to answer these questions. It has a whole lot to do with billion dollar contractors and generals at five star restaurants. 

-- [Chuck] It's been fairly quiet down in Texas at the Keystone Blockade lately, but that doesn't mean they're done. Protesters are angry that pipeline workers are now working to move the pipeline around the blockade. On the 19th, the demonstrators are asking for your help to create a mass action against the tar sands pipeline, and have sign up forms available. If you can't make it to them, having a solidarity campaign in your area can help as well. 

-- Coney Island was battered by Sandy on a level similar to Staten Island, but residents who live in the projects there aren't receiving as much (or any) help from organizations like the Red Cross or FEMA. While they do have a small presence, they are mostly in more "sexy" areas of the city, says this author. Occupy Sandy has taken over food and supply distribution, as well as care checks, for the many people that live in the area's projects, with the help of a fleet of donated trucks from UPS. Many of the people in the area are elderly, and have no power or running water. This means no elevators, and many of them are using buckets as toilets. Rotting food and sanitation issues are becoming a pressing issue, and Occupy, among others, are calling this a real life or death situation.

-- In July of last year, a man named Derek Williams gasped for breath, cried for help for almost ten minutes, and died in the back of a Milwaukee police car. A video of the tragic event was released this September, and Milwaukee residents are angered and saddened at what took place. They've been protesting ever since the video's release, but Sunday the protests took a turn for the worse after police began to arrest protesters for seemingly random offenses. One woman was taken into custody for blocking traffic and resisting arrest after she attempted to cross the street to her car to leave. Another man argued with an officer, asking for his name so that a complaint could be filed before being arrested. Police say he was standing in the middle of the roadway, screaming obscenities at officers. Bystanders say this wasn't the case. Another man was arrested for disorderly conduct while armed, because he was carrying a gun. Police later found that the gun was registered, and that the man has a concealed carry permit. So they charged him anyway, saying he was "armed with a stick." The FBI is looking into the death of Derek Williams after the medical examiner changed the death certificate to read that his death was a homicide.

-- Do you remember last November, when two Occupy protesters were hit by a car that police then allowed to drive away? (I do.) Well, those protesters have now filed a civil rights suit against the Oakland BART and the Oakland Police Department. It has been over a year since the two were hit by the car in the middle of a protest, and both are still in physical therapy after sustaining injuries that required both to have surgery. BART claims that they took down the name and information from the man driving the car and passed it along to the OPD, but nothing has been done. Lance Laverdure and Margaret So were the victims of the incident, with Laverdure sustaining a lacerated liver and injured foot, while So sustained her ankle being broken in three places. (This is messed up. The article is right... If this sort of thing were to happen at any other time, that driver would have been yanked from the car and shoved in handcuffs before they even put it in park. These people have every right to sue the police department and BART, and I personally hope they win. What the hell is our country coming to where you can't protest without fear of being beaten, arrested, or run over by a damned car without any repercussions for the people at the hands of the crime?! The worst part is that I don't think we're done with this sort of thing. People in this country are now in the mindset that if they disagree with you, that means you deserve all the bad things that happen to you. If your opinion differs, you deserve to be beaten or even killed. This sort of blatant censorship is at the hands of the people, not the government, although at times the government does it as well. It's not over, and I believe it will get worse.)


To contact me, email elvishbutterfly@hotmail.com. Thanks for reading and sharing, everyone. :)

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