Monday, November 26, 2012

Updates 11/26/12

Hello everyone.

I have a presentation to give today, an exam tomorrow, a presentation Thursday, and three huge papers to write by the end of the semester. For me, that's less than two weeks away. 

-- [Chuck] Have you ever heard of Benjaman Kyle? He has an interesting story, and needs your help. This award winning documentary is working to raise awareness for him, and isn't that long.

-- [Chuck] Occupy Sandy is making its presence known in Brooklyn now, accepting mass donations in person and online. The group is helping many people, and still needs help.


Austerity techniques seem to be moving toward America, now that they are making the rounds in Europe. What does austerity mean for us? What does it mean for our governments?

-- [Chuck] Is the United States broke? We're continually told we are. Politicians are quick to yell that our country has no money. But is it true? And if it isn't, why are they trying to implement austerity?

-- When austerity starts to kick in, some analysts see it for what it is... the collapse of unsustainable capitalism. In the first link, an analyst examines Spain's collapse as a microcosm of what is to come. In the second, the author discusses why capitalism is the problem, and what we need to do to fix the issues. 

-- In the UK, speculation has begun to arise concerning the EU's plans. Many people are starting to believe that the EU is trying to implement a "Marxist revolution." (As a socialist, I wouldn't mind that so much, except for the sadness surrounding the fight that would follow.)

-- The UK isn't the only country irritable at the EU, though. Several countries are angry about what is going on, and may lead to a split in the EU.


To contact me, email Thanks. 

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