Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Updates 11/6/12

Hello everyone.

Well, it's Election Day. The day that thousands of people will stream to the polls to vote for their chosen candidate. The day that thousands will be turned away from voting for one reason or another. Today we have some interesting news for you.

-- [Chuck] Occupiers helping with people in the aftermath of Sandy are still hard at work. Their efforts are being hailed as better than the Red Cross, but for many, this brings the realization that it is not charity that is needed, but rather solidarity. In this article, you can read about what Occupy is doing, and even how their solidarity is bringing others together, as at one point the FEMA officials and NYPD officers began to chant with the Occupiers while they worked.

-- Should Occupy be the ones helping out after Sandy's wrath? While many are extremely happy with the help they are providing, one person is worried that this means Occupy may head in the wrong direction. They make some valid points about why helping those is need is great, but why Occupy must also remember to continue fighting.

-- [Chuck] If you haven't voted yet, watch this video. Even if you have voted, take a look. Candidate Jill Stein is from the Green Party, and her voice is strong. Here is a video of an interview held with her where she describes what she stands for and why. (If I were to vote, it would be for her.)

-- [Chuck] If you have decided not to vote, here's a letter written to you that offers some interesting reasons as to why you should. Take a look and see why this person believes our votes matter, even if we don't believe they do.

-- Here's a bit of ironic news. In Nevada, a woman has been arrested for a felony after she attempted to vote twice in the early voting last Friday. The woman was apparently "testing the system" after she grew angry that the first polling place did not check her ID. It seems she thought that because she signed her signature differently, she would be able to go to a different location and vote again. The woman was not allowed to vote the second time, and was arrested yesterday by the multi-jurisdictional Election Integrity Task Force. The ironic part? The woman is a registered Republican who was trying to prove that ID should be checked at polling places.

-- [Chuck] Massive strikes are being implemented across the country of Greece, causing transportation to come to a halt and media blackouts occurred due to striking journalists. Hospital workers are striking as well, and the workers from the power plants. The country is quickly coming to a veritable standstill, as even air traffic controllers have announced that they will be striking as well. Union workers are striking to prevent the government from going ahead with billions of dollars in cuts in an austerity plan, which the government must implement in order to qualify for bailout funds from the EU. Greece is set to go bankrupt in mid-November.


To contact me, email elvishbutterfly@hotmail.com.

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