Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Updates 6/19/12

Hello everyone.

A quick update on the story I posted a few days ago concerning the websites The Oatmeal and FunnyJunk: Charles Correon, the lawyer for FunnyJunk, has took it upon himself to personally file suit against The Oatmeal, as well as the fundraising company IndieGoGo and the two charities that would be receiving the donations; the National Wildlife Federation and the American Cancer Society. Why does he think they all need to be sued? Read here to find The Oatmeal's response to him, and find out more info.

On to the news. 

-- Eight Occupiers have been convicted of trespassing in NYC, concerning the December 17th incident where many protesters climbed over a fence to gain access to the Trinity Church's lot. Among the convicted includes retired Episcopal Bishop George Packard, who was dressed in his robes as he went over the fence. His lawyer says they are disappointed, but not surprised by the verdict. Seven of the Occupiers have been sentenced to community service, while the last, who also faced two misdemeanor charges, was sentenced to 45 days in jail.

-- Occupy Iowa is stepping out to protest the World Food Prize in Des Moines this October, in an effort to fight against GMO's, which stands for foods that have been genetically modified. They are specifically targeting the "corporate ownership of the World Food Prize," and the heavy dominance of genetically modified foods found in the event. The President of the World Food Prize commented that many world leaders, scientists, and academicians from around the globe attend the event to discuss the latest issues in agriculture, and that there are discussions on world hunger issues as well. 

A big thank you to Charles for sending me this next article. 

-- Two UN envoys have stepped up to criticize the treatment of the Occupy protests here in America, and are pleading with the US government to protect Occupier's rights. They have sent letters to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, but have yet to receive responses. The letters detail multiple events in which Occupiers were brutally handled with excessive force by law enforcement, a tactic the UN fears may be related to protesters' "dissenting views, criticisms of economic policies, and their legitimate work in the defense of human rights and fundamental freedoms." Read more about what is going on here:


To contact me, please email elvishbutterfly@hotmail.com. Thanks. 

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