Saturday, June 30, 2012

Updates 6/30/12

Hello everyone.

The news is abuzz with stories about the upcoming National Gathering in Philly. Lots of speculation going on.

-- A story running on has members of Occupy Portland upset, and rightly so. A woman found out her home was going to be foreclosed upon last September, and moved in with her daughters before it happened. She then got an eviction notice in the mail, and assumed they would be selling her home. Then she found out that it was not yet foreclosed upon, but Occupiers had taken to squatting in her home, causing issues and damaging the property. They apparently moved in in September. There is a major problem with the story though--Occupy Portland didn't even begin until October. Occupy Portland believes the squatters moved in and began calling themselves Occupiers after the movement began. (That's one problem with being part of a large movement. People can call themselves part of it to make it look like they're doing good, rather than being honest.) To read the story, and the responses of several Occupy members in the comments, follow the link.

-- Occupy Oakland has filed suit against the city of Oakland and Alameda County, seeking damages stemming from the January 28th "kettling" outside the YMCA. The $10,000 is being sought secondary to attempting to change the way law enforcement handles demonstrators. They are hoping for policy changes, and named multiple officers in the suit as well, namely the ones who mistreated them, and the Alameda County Sheriffs who took them to and held them in the Santa Rita jail. (I was watching live that night. I think it is about damn time Alameda got sued. From what I saw in all the nights that I watched, the Alameda County Sheriff's were the most violent and outburst-prone law enforcement officials on site.)

-- The Minneapolis City Attorney is putting heavy charges on Occupy MN, as they are attempting to stop the foreclosure of a house owned by Alejandra and David Cruz. Three protesters who have been arrested are being retroactively charged with third degree rioting, among multiple other charges. The riot charges alone could land them in jail for up to a year, along with a $3000 fine. Read what other charges are being placed, as well as Occupy MN's response in the link. 


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