Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Updates 12/18/12

Hello everyone.

I can't seem to get into the holiday spirit, which I suppose isn't all that surprising. Our "enterprising" culture here in the States isn't exactly one that acclimates well with generosity and kindness. It can be really difficult to be thrilled to give when you are so worried about paying rent for the next month. I give as much as I can anyway.. usually more than I can afford to, which I did once again this month. 

Also, it used to snow all the time here before the holidays. Sometimes it would even snow before Thanksgiving. Now it doesn't usually snow here until January, and even then you'll be lucky if it sticks. We haven't had real snow here in over two years. 

But climate change isn't real, yeah? 

-- Occupy Sandy has been a huge relief effort, but other help has been slow to come, if at all. Now Occupiers are residents are standing up to fight back against the lack of help, holding government responsible and showing up at the mayor's mansion. With all the issues still facing residents, we'll be seeing a lot more protesting to come.

-- While it sounds like the Walmart protests aren't amounting to much , the activists aren't done. At the Port of Newark in New Jersey, dozens of activists blocked a ship carrying Wal-mart goods from coming ashore, chanting against the corporate giant that had a hand in over 100 deaths at a clothing factory.

-- [Chuck] Robert Reich is a professor at UC-Berkeley, and he has plenty of opinions about the world of politics today. He writes about how politics affect our children, what the fiscal cliff means, inequalities, and jobs. It's interesting and educational. 

-- [Chuck] Here's an excerpt from an interview with Michael Moore concerning the shootings in America since Columbine, and I have to say I fully agree with at least one of his statements. "Americans kill people."


To contact me, email elvishbutterfly@hotmail.com.


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