Saturday, July 7, 2012

Update 7/7/12

Hello everyone.

Charles sent me a link concerning the post I made yesterday, with the 99 Declaration. It is a statement from the NYCGA saying that the 99% Declaration is not the motive of OWS because it aims to create a third political party. I agree with this, and thank Charles for the link.

I did not post the 99 Declaration as something we should all adhere to. I should have clarified on that, but I obviously didn't type much yesterday, for good reason.

When it comes to the Declaration, I think it is something that shows we can be strong minds both while working together and alone. We see the damage being done, and we know what needs to be fixed. There were several things I felt were left out of the 99 Declaration, but I didn't know if that was intentional. I believe it should include items like racial equality, financial disparity, and LGBT rights, as well as religious freedom. I felt that some things should be removed, like the "political party" stuff.

I just want to remind you that not all that I write is my own opinion. That usually comes across in the tone of which I write, in parenthesis, or as an aside or rant before or after a post.

I haven't been accessing much of the news lately, due to my health. My wrists are almost completely immobile, and it will be a few days before they are back to normal. I'll try to post as much as I can until then. If you know any important stories that people need to see, please comment them here.

Thanks so much for your patience. I don't have medical insurance right now, so seeing a doctor is out of the question. It's just me and my friend Tylenol.



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