Monday, July 30, 2012

Updates 7/30/12

Hello everyone.

I woke up this morning (afternoon, really) and found that a lot of my work had been done for me. Charles and Kate filled my inbox with tons of relevant information! You two rock! 

Thanks to Kate especially for always including a personal note of encouragement. It's really helpful to see that what I'm doing has meaning. I may not always have the time to answer every letter, but I do appreciate them and read them all. Much love.

Remember, there may not be an update tomorrow, as I have to go to the dentist. We'll see. 

All of the updates today come from both Charles and Kate, and they sent me so many that I can't even tell who sent what anymore.

First let's talk about Anaheim. There's a lot going on in that area, and we have plenty of links for you. 

-- This link takes you to a large collection of images tweeted during protests in Anaheim. It shows arrests, military-style police, and plenty of tactics used by them. It also gives you an idea of what the protesters went through, thanks to the inclusion of many of the tweets accompanying the photos.

-- Here's a popular photo on Twitter right now, showing the military-style police in full gear.

-- This YouTube video shows an arrest of a protester by Anaheim PD.

-- Here's a recording of a GA where livestreamers and protesters alike discussed methods of new streaming abilities as well as other important knowledge.

-- Here's one of the items mentioned in that GA. It's a website called CopBlock, where they work together to make police be accountable for their actions.

Let's move on to Burlington. We've got some links.

-- I believe this may be the same link I posted yesterday, but it's worth a second look. What happened here?

-- This page is in French, but we're more interested in the video. A live take on Burlington's protests. 

Finally, these last two are from Kate. 

-- Occupy Monsanto is going to expose Trader Joe's for claiming to not place GMO's on their shelves unlabeled, and doing it behind closed doors. What does that mean? It means they are lying to us about what we are getting from them. Want to find out more? Check out the event page.

-- Remember how I talked about INDECT the other day? It doesn't seem that too many Americans are worried about it, even though they probably should be. Here's a photo from Twitter, showing that while we may not be taking it seriously, other countries definitely are. This is in Dortmund, Germany. If you don't remember what INDECT is, head back to my recent posts and follow the links to it.


To contact me, email Thanks for reading.

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